Pest Control Singapore: Dog/ Cat Ticks Control Plan

Ticks are arthropods with two body regions, and depending upon their developmental stage, may have either six (larva) or eight (adults and nymphs) legs. They may cause diseases in humans and pets as dogs and cats, etc. Ticks bites also often cause skin irritations or even allergic reactions to sensitive people who are repeatedly bitten. Bites from certain ticks can even cause limp paralysis or death to our precious pets.

The four development stages of ticks are: egg, larva, nymph and adult. During larvae stage, they have three pairs of legs while growing to four pairs of legs during nymphs and adults stages. During all development of ticks, they feed on blood and molt to the next stage as well as developing eggs for the female ticks. Most hard ticks exhibit a three-host cycle and feed on three separate hosts. The duration spent feeding varies across species and development stages but typically takes several days. After feeding, the larvae and nymph drop from their host to molt and see a new host later while adult female ticks drop off to lay a single batch of eggs. The number of eggs may range from hundreds to thousands depending on the species as well as the volume of blood taken. Generally, the more blood taken by the female ticks, the more eggs are produced.

Preventing Tick Bites

You can take several measures to reduce your chances of being bitten by a tick. The best way to avoid tick bites is to stay out of tick infested areas. Follow these tips when working or walking in areas that may be infested with ticks.

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Light colours clothing are best as ticks are easier to detect.
  • Secure the bottom of pants inside socks or tied up around the ankles.
  • Wear a hat to help cover your head and hair, tucking in long hair under your hat.
  • Apply tick repellent to clothing, particularly the lower body and the arms.
  • Wash clothing in warm water and detergent immediately. Never throw potentially infested clothing in a hamper with other clothes or on the floor.
  • Protect pets by keeping them out of tick infested areas and consult your vet for tick treatment products.
  • Inspect pets carefully after walking in wooded areas and fields.
  • Removing Ticks

    You must remove the ticks which have attached themselves to your skin carefully. Do not squeeze the tick as their fluid may be squeezed into your skin causing an infection. Use a tick remover, placing the wide part of the notch on the skin near the tick, sliding the remover forward to detach it slowly so the chance of the head being left in the skin is reduced. Wash the area with soap and water immediately after removal to prevent infection.

    Ticks Removal & Treatment

    Most infestations of ticks can be controlled with Pest Control Singapore's Ticks Control plan in conjunction with the treatment of your precious pets.

    Contact us at 24 Hour Hotline: 6295 5638 or email us at our professional ticks control specialist to apply professional treatment and eliminate them permanently.

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